The staff of PANACEA is made up of Researchers and Technicians divided into Senior and Junior.
Seniors are entrusted with the responsibility of research actions planned in already funded research projects.
The Seniors, making use of the Juniors, organize the research action, drawing up a test protocol with the methodologies that will be adopted. They conduct the research action and report the results through technical reports or scientific articles. They also provide training for the Juniors.
The Juniors provide support to Seniors, acquiring the knowledge to become responsible for research actions in the future. We also make use of internationally renowned experts as consultants to improve the quality of research.
The scientific training of the participants in the Polo is in fact one of the priorities as well as the promotion of contacts with companies in the sector that can lead to qualified recruitments.
As far as training is concerned, this is favored through internships abroad, foreign consultants of high scientific level, contacts and exchange of information with European colleagues for the conduct of research projects funded by the EU, and, once CRA-ING the guesthouse with which it is equipped is habitable, promoting collaborations and exchanges of researchers with foreign research institutes.
The aim is to arrive at a research pole in which foreign skills are very present and where only English is spoken, also to enable the group to acquire linguistic skills that are essential for access to European funding. As regards the promotion of job opportunities, many research activities are carried out in collaboration with agro-industrial entrepreneurs who are investing in the sector and could therefore expand their staff with qualified experts.

The staff consists of permanent researchers and contract staff.

Dr. Luigi Pari - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Luigi Pari is the coordinator of the Polo. He has a degree in agricultural sciences and a PhD in agricultural mechanics. He has played the role of scientific director of about forty research projects funded mainly by the European Union, but also by MIPAAF, MIUR, ENEL and the Lazio Region.
He has carried out several internships abroad, thus developing an excellent knowledge of the English language and international collaborations.
He has designed and built (or had built) several prototypes of agricultural machinery for harvesting crops from biomass.

Inventor of the following patents:
1. "Process for cutting and laying in ordered heaps of rapidly rotating forest crops through the use of two prototypes: cutting machine and accumulation machine" industrial patent no. DP 2002A0008
2. "Helical blade cutting apparatus for the reduction of vegetable crops and materials of different nature into pieces" industrial patent n. DP 2006A0008
3. "Agricultural machine for harvesting, chipping, loading onto wagons or packing arboreal and / or herbaceous crop residues" industrial patent no. DP 2006A0008

and depositary of the following patent applications:

1. "Device for transporting and placing branches of vegetable plants" (Patent application n. TO2013A000970 of 11/28/2013).
2. "Apparatus for the separate collection of vegetable fractions of a crop and agricultural machine using such an apparatus" (Patent application n. TO2013A000328 of 23/04/2013.
3. "Group for the separation of baby food and agricultural machinery using such a group" (Patent application n. TO2013A000318 of 22/04/2013).
4. “Conditioning apparatus of a crop and agricultural machine using such an apparatus” (Patent application n. TO2013A000609 of 17/07/2013).

Author of about 350 scientific publications in international and national journals. He is scientific evaluator of research projects for the European Community, the MiPAF and the Tuscany Region.
Scientific evaluator of national (MIPAAF and the Tuscany Region) and international (European Community, Greek Ministry of Education) research projects. Member of technical committees and working groups at national and international level. Reviewer of scientific articles presented in the international journals "Biomass and Bioenergy", "Applied Engineering in Agriculture", "Asabe", "GCB Bioenergy", "Applied Energy", "Soil & Tillage Research", "British Journal of Applied Science & Technology "And at the World Conferences and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate.
Paper Rewiever and Chairman at international conferences, member of the scientific committee of international conferences, author of numerous scientific publications and communications at international conferences.
Member of Technical Commissions as Editorial Board at international level (AIMS Energy and Chemical Sensor) and nationally (Forest and Environmental Sciences series) Consultant of the European Union and of private companies for the development of technological innovations and the procurement of power plants. biomass.
Lecturer in various training courses, refresher courses, research doctorates and masters.
Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Italian Association of Biomass Producers and Transformers, member of various Commissions, working groups, study groups, etc.
Member of the Scientific Commission for the drafting of the Italy-US bilateral collaboration agreement on bioenergy.

Dr.ssa Giovanna Ciriello - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Giovanna Ciriello graduated in Oriental Languages and Civilization at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (2003). You have carried out the necessary technical-managerial support activities for the President of the CRA for the performance of his institutional role as well as support for the administrative and secretarial activities of the Research Planning Service of the CRA, and in 2009 you started your collaboration with the CRA- ING.
She is responsible for the secretariat of the Panacea group, she also plays a supporting role to researchers in the presentation in English of the results of research at the International Conferences, she collaborates in the drafting of the proposals to the E.U. and she maintains contacts with European Partners in the context of Research Projects funded by the E.U.


Dr.ssa. Nadia Palmieri - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Nadia Palmieri graduated in Business Economics from the Second University of Naples, she obtained the title of PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Molise where she was also an expert on the subject for the chair of Environmental Economics at the Department of Economics. He collaborated from January 2003 to December 2008 in the drafting and commitment to the research activity of the European Project FP6-SPICOSA "Science and Policy Integration for Coastal Zone Assessment" coordinated by the Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER) and by the CNR Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment (I.A.M.C _CNR of Naples) under the direction of Prof. Thomas Sawyer Hopkins. From January 2009 to February 2011, Dr. Palmieri held the role of head of the economic aspect for the "Study Site Application 14" (SSA14) of Taranto as part of the European Research Project FP6-SPICOSA and was also winner of a research grant at the I.A.M.C. CNR of Naples as part of the SPICOSA Project. From May 2012 to May 2013 she was then the winner of a research grant, funded with the University budget funds, at the University of Molise. Furthermore, from March to December 2013 she was entrusted with the role of expert in data modeling and social and economic aspects of sustainable land management, for the performance of professional activities aimed at the realization of the "S.H.A.P.E." (Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect The Adriatic Environment) (COD. POG: 167 / 2009- CUP: D37E10000180007) at the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Molise (ARPA MOLISE). From May 2014 to May 2015 she was the winner of a research grant at the University of Molise; she and from March 2017 to March 2018 she was the winner of another research grant at the University of Molise. Since 2011 he has collaborated with the PANACEA group of CREA in Monterotondo (Rome) and conducts research on the economic and environmental evaluation of agricultural products. (Rome). Over the years you have also participated in the activities of various research groups characterized by national and international collaborations.


 Dr. Vincenzo Alfano - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vincenzo Alfano graduated in Environmental Sciences in 2001 with full marks, subsequently obtaining two university masters on environmental issues. For more than ten years he has been involved in bioenergy, as a research collaborator, from 2004 to 2012, at the Renewable Sources Technical Unit of ENEA and, from 2013 to today, at the Agricultural Engineering Unit of the CRA. Over the years he has gained a deep knowledge of the sector, and in particular he has developed a high level of expertise in the analysis of biomass availability and in the planning of agro-energy supply chains, working on both national and European projects. Since 2010 he has also collaborated with the Italian Association for Biomasses, ITABIA, with lectures in training courses, drafting of technical articles and analyzes and studies in reference to bioenergy.
Currently, at the CRA-ING, he is engaged in supporting the research activities envisaged by various projects and in particular he is involved in the Europruning project, which aims to enhance pruning in Europe for energy purposes, and in the BIT3G project, aimed at construction of a third generation biorefinery integrated into the territory.




 Dr. Simone Bergonzoli - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Simone Bergonzoli after having obtained a three-year degree in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Tuscia of Viterbo in 2008, he specialized in Urban and Rural Environment Sciences following a specialized training course on Agroecology and Organic Agriculture, which led to the achievement of the Master's Degree in 2011. He obtained the PhD in engineering of agricultural and forest systems (AGR 09, Agricultural Mechanics) in 2015 at the DAFNE of the University of Viterbo with a study on the evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability of the soil for site-specific management of agricultural crops. In 2009, he did an internship as an intern / reporter at the Latin American and Caribbean department of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), for the preparation of a report on rainwater harvesting techniques for agricultural purposes. and civilians in Central America and the Caribbean. This report has been included in the IFAD Water desk 2009. From 2010 to today he collaborates with the Agricultural Engineering Unit of CREA dealing with Precision Agriculture, Agricultural Mechanics and GIS, since 2016 he has started his collaboration at the PANACEA group working as researcher.


  Dr. Walter Stefanoni - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr Walter Stefanoni joins the Panacea team at the CREA-IT of Monterotondo (Rome, IT) in 2019 and he is actively involved in both national and international research projects, like: Suscace (MiPAAF), Agroner (MiPAAF), Agroinlog (H2020), Panacea (H2020), Magic (H2020), Becool (H2020), Mediopuntia (ERANETMED 2017) e 4CE-MED (PRIMA-H2020). The main research activities focus on agricultural systems for harvesting, transportation and storage of both annual and perennial solid biomass for bioenergy and industrial purposes. Specifically, he evaluates the performance of machineries involved in the mechanical harvesting of lignocellulosic feedstock and oil crops in terms of productivity, cost, and associated loss of product. Moreover, Dr. Stefanoni provides technical and scientific support for the development of new machineries and low environmental impact systems in the agriculture sector.

In 2012 Dr. Stefanoni graduates in ECOLOGICAL SCIENCES FOR RURAL LAND LARGE URBAN AREAS (LM-75) curriculum ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES FOR LARGE URBAN AREAS and scores 110/110 with Prise at the UNITUS - University of Viterbo, Italy and by 2015 he receives a Doctorate in Horticulture Sciences with the award of “Doctor Europeaus”. In 2013 he also completes the Master of Science at Dyson College of Art and Science Campus of the Pace University of New York (USA).

ORCID ID  0000-0002-3696-574X

Scopus ID 56815140800



  Dr. Francesco Latterini - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Francesco Latterini graduated in December 2015 with honors in Conservation and Restoration of the Forest Environment and Soil Defense (LM-73) at the DAFNE Department of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo. From June 2016 to October 2019 he was the holder of a scholarship at the same department, mainly dealing with sustainable forest operations, with particular reference to the use of GIS technologies for the sustainable planning of forest interventions.

Since November 2019 he has been working as a researcher at CREA-IT in Monterotondo, as a member of the Panacea group, basing his research activity on the evaluation and implementation of strategies for the harvesting of energy and industrial crops, as well as on the use of GIS for the optimization of the related logistics. The research activity was and is carried out within the European projects AGROinLOG, PANACEA, MAGIC, BECOOL, MEDIOPUNTIA, 4CEMED and the national projects SUSCACE and AGROENER.

Since November 2020 he has been a PhD student at the University of Tuscia in the doctoral course in "Engineering for Energy and Environment".