Erbacee annuali


Saccharum spontaneum L. spp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel a novel perennial grass for biomass production in semi-arid Mediterranean environment.

Saccharum spontaneum L. spp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel a novel perennial grass for biomass production in semi-arid Mediterranean environment.

G. Testa, Danilo Scordia, V. Copani, P. Guarnaccia and S.L. Cosentino, 2014. Saccharum spontaneum L. spp. aegyptiacum (Willd.) Hackel a novel perennial grass for biomass production in semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Presentazione orale all’ ”International Conference on Industrial Crops and Products”, Atene (Grecia), 13-19 settembre 2014.


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